The Gothic A Level Podcast Series

English Literature

A Level


5 tutorials available 5 tutorials total

This series introduces the students to the gothic as broad traditions/genres for those taking A Level English Literature. Specific texts will be mentioned and examined, but not in the detail of text-/author-centred series; the primary aim is to consider how various example texts might fit (or perhaps not fit) received wisdom concerning what gothic “is.”.

Tutors for this module

Mr Oli Belas


English Teacher, Writer, Independent Academic
Secondary School

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Exam and Revision Notes for The Gothic

The Gothic series is tailored to AOs 3, 4, & 5 of the incoming AS/A Level English Literature courses primarily, but AOs 1 & 2 will also be accessed. The proposed series are short, the intention being that students/teachers might make use of them early in the courses of study, before in-depth textual study begins.

Audio Tutorials

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