Jakub Gaweda
University of Kent
Jakub originally hails from New York City where he completed his undergraduate degree at John Jay College, with his dissertation focusing on the German American Bund, an American based Nazi group operating throughout the U.S. that ultimately tried, and failed, to gain any substantial support from local German communities. After graduating, the reality of adult life, and the difficulty of finding gainful employment with a history degree hit Jakub, although he was ultimately successful in the endeavor, working as a Museum Educator for about a year at the Tenement Museum. Not being able to resist the call of academia, he decided to pursue his Master’s degree. For personal as well as academic reasons he chose to go to England, although he is continually racked with guilt over leaving his pet cat Jorge behind. Jakub is currently a Master’s student in the War, Media and Society programme at the University of Kent researching the nature of memory surrounding Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists. When not deeply entrenched in the latter he can be found exploring Canterbury, getting lost on the local trails, or struggling to protect his borders from continual attacks in strategy games.