Rebellion and Disorder in Tudor England 1485-1603


A Level


31 tutorials available 31 tutorials total

The reigns and personalities of the Tudor monarchs are well known, but this series of pods is largely about the struggles and concerns of ordinary people who are often hidden away from us because of an absence of sources. In many ways this is History as it should be, a study largely of those below the ruling elite and how the government responded to their protests. People who were so incensed by a sense of wrong that they risked the wrath of their monarch and possible to death to register their discontent. The series looks at the range of rebellions that hit the Tudors, from those that directly challenged their right to rule to the pathetic attempts of a small group of farm labourers to rise up because their local farming practices were under threat. Not only does it look at why they rose up, but it considers the nature of the risings, what if anything did they have in common? Did they change over the period, and if so why? It moves from nobles who were desperate to the ‘bare arsed’ rebels at the walls of Norwich. The second half of the series looks how a state, much less powerful than our own, contained, and ultimately defeated the unrest and asks whether the stability of the state was ever at risk. The series brings to together the formidable collective talents of Dr Glyn Redworth and Nick Fellows.

Tutors for this module

Nicholas Fellows

B.A., M.A., PGCE

Senior Examiner and renowned textbook author

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Recommended reading list



    General Texts:

    Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603, Second Edition, Geoff Woodward and Nicholas Fellows, Hodder, 2015

    Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England, Nicholas Fellows, Hodder,2001

    Authority and Disorder in Tudor Times, Paul Thomas, CUP, 1999

    Tudor Rebellions, A. Fletcher and D. MacCulloch, Pearson Longman, 2015

    Protest and Rebellion in Tudor England 1489-1601, Tony Imperato, Heinemann, 2008

    England 1485-1603, Mary Dicken and Nicholas Fellows, Hodder, 2015


    Specialist works:

    Rebellion and Riot: Popular Disorder in England during the Reign of Edward VI, Barrett L. Beer, Kent State University Press, 1982

    War, Taxation and Rebellion in Early Tudor England, G. W. Barnard, Harvester, 1986

    The Revolt of the Peasantry, J. Cornwall, Routledge, 1977

    Tudor Ireland: Crown, Community and the Conflict of Cultures, S.G. Ellis, Harlow, 1985

    The Pilgrimage of Grace: A Study of Rebel Armies, M.L. Bush, Manchester University Press, 1996

    The State and Social Change in Early Modern England, 1550-1640, S. Hindle, Palgrave, 2002

    The 1549 Rebellions and the Making of Early Modern England, Andy Wood, CUP, 2007

    Revolt in the West, John Sturt, Devon Books, 1987

    Two Tudor Conspiracies, David Loades, Headstart History, 1992

    The Northern Rebellion of 1569, K.J. Kesselring, Palgrave, 2010

    Kett’s Rebellion: The Norfolk Rising of 1549, SK. Land, Boydell, 1977

    Society, Politics and Culture, M.E. James, CUP, 1986

    Order and Disorder in Early Modern England, eds A. Fletcher and J. Stevenson, CUP, 1985

    The Pilgrimage of Grace, R.W. Hoyle, OUP, 2001

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